måndag 18 maj 2009


I feel so content. And it feels really good to say it :) Had one of the best weekends so far in Grenoble. We went for another hike in the mountain, this time climbed Chamrousse. Less steep than last weekend and the weather was much better. The weather was so good that I looked like a roasted tomato when we got back to Grenoble :) But it was worth it!

I realized something today (although it might not come as a surprise for you...). I am REALLY impatient. And I can't really make up my mind... I realized this during class today :) And after having admitted that to myself, I felt really content and that feeling has lasted all day :)

Isn't that great or what?!?!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Skönt att va nöjd =) Hur känns det att snart åka hem, Annepanne? Hoppas du är nöjd även med det! Kramar! Du är en skön person!

  2. ja vad är det man säger-accepterandet är steg ett :P

    apropå det är jag nyfiken på vad du ska göra här, men jag ser fram emot det!
