fredag 29 maj 2009


I am like a baby. If I don't eat or sleep regularly, I get really cranky. Some of my friends have noticed this. And they take precautions. I have one friend that brings me chocolate when we are going for a walk because he knows I will get cranky after a while. Bon peu importe. I am writing this because I haven't slept that much this week, which means that I am really tired right now. I have had one of the most fun and interesting weeks in Grenoble. The result? Tired as hell. So that's why I am off to bed. What I am going to dream about? All the people I have met this week, and all unexpected events ;) Sleep well!

1 kommentar:

  1. Såna vänner är guld, som fattar vad man behöver före man nästan vet det själv! =) Hoppas solen skiner på dig i Grenoble! Kramkram från ett varmt vardagsrum.
