söndag 10 maj 2009

Day 7

I realised something when I read this blog a couple of days ago. I often ask myself the question "why". For instance, if I am feeling distressed about a situation I ask myself: why am I feeling this way? What am I afraid of? What is the worst thing that can happen? I do this in order to release that feeling I am feeling at that moment (if I think the feeling is limiting me). However, I have realized that thinking this way can actually increase the feeling you are feeling at that moment. Since you are focusing on that feeling instead of asking yourself "what you can do about the situation in order to feel better" you are simply going to have more of that feeling. So as from this moment, I will try to ask myself the following questions:

1. How - can I change this situation? can I learn something from this situation?
2. What - do I want to happen? can I learn?
3. Who - am I doing this for? can I learn from?
4. When - can I do this?

I also added three new songs to the playlist (since I didn't update it for two days).
How can you make this day memorable?

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