onsdag 13 maj 2009


I just added another song by Lisa Ekdahl :: På jakt efter solen. It feels like she's singing about me and my life. It's my killing me softly-song :) So this is the 10th and last day of my challenge. Evaluation-time :)

1. Did I participate actively? I most certainly did. I have been thinking about it every day. I even wrote myself a manual with positive and appreciative thoughts :) And I started this blog.

2. How many days did I accomplish? Nine and a half days. I swear it's true!!! I am really proud of myself.

3. How did I do to change a limiting thought into an appreciative one? I kept myself busy, which I have to do to be able to relax :) I know it sounds contradictive but that's the way I am. One thing I found very useful was to start my morning by focusing on things I looked forward to. That way I could occupy myself with those thoughts whenever I needed to. I also kept a diary where I wrote down my highlights and things I like about myself :) Neeeeeeeeeat!

Now the real challenge starts : to keep up with the positive thinking ;) Are you joining me?

1 kommentar:

  1. Jag är på! tänka positivt om sig själv - jobbar på det....! =) får spotifya låten med lisa, har inte hört den. är säkert lika bra som resten av det hon gjort. kramkram!
